Hi everybody,
We are proud to have reached another milestone by releasing a massive update for the early access of Spheriums. We hope you like the latest update and invite you to play it again if you have bought Spheriums and leave a review.
Gameplay, Interface, and Visual Enhancements
- Complete revamp of the level design of Korala, getting the game closer to the final vision of the first world.
- Electromagnetic discharge - Implement a new secondary fire for the magnetism weapon. Hit an enemy to slow it down considerably for easier shooting. Like any secondary weapon, it uses energy.
- Drainer Mechs - A new invader with dual bullet shooting is patrolling Korala. Beware!
- Objective - Players were often lost at the beginning of the game. We have added many new goals to help the player knows what to do early on in the game.
- Boss - Rework the "Choker" boss on Korala with a better attack pattern, more apparent weaknesses, and a higher difficulty level for a better fighting challenge.
- Drastically change the firing speed of an energy blast for better accuracy.
- Control Panel - Add a new visual panel switch to help the player recognize a machine and how to interact with it (Dimensional gate, crafting machine, recharging power-pack station).
- When hitting him, the elemental Mexodin shakes the camera and pushes the player a little bit.
- Any weapons can now destroy poison puddles & Choker bombs.
- Show how to use a weapon after crafting a weapon implant with an informative visual.
- Reduce the needed resources drastically to do the first inventory storage upgrade.
- Update the liprite resource with a better visual (new mesh and material)
- Show missing shortcut in key mapping UI.
Fixed Bugs
- Enemies will not randomly disappear after firing on them.
- Fix Kralian AI bugs that sometimes were stuck.
Known Issues
- Kralian creatures are not scannable. Fix: Use the Energy blaster to defeat.
- Drainer commanders will sometime be stuck somewhere. FIX: Save/load to correct the situation
- English voice-over plays even if French is selected.
- The battle sound may keep playing after killing all enemies in a region. FIX: Save/Load to fix the music until we fix the bug.
- The soundtrack cuts when Kindra is speaking.
- The game will currently display in full screen only on the native resolution of the screen. Otherwise, it will be displayed in a window.
- Resolutions with an aspect ratio different from 1.77 will result in a distorted display.
Upcoming Update Features
- Revamp from the ground up Meolia.
- Better and funnier AI with more creature animations.
- Add new drainers
- Improve the map by showing all resources.
- Improved layout and design coherency for the user interface.
- Animate weapons.
- Sound effects, sound mixing, and interactive music.
- Texture painting on enemies.
- Controller Support (Xbox/Playstation)
- Full options to adjust graphical settings.
- Add Steam Achievements (full suite of 25+)
- Much more.
We hope you like it and please wishlist the game : Store.steampowered.com