Hey there! Time to update some really awful news.
Those of you who use FPSCreator aswell know how I feel right now, those of you who do not probably think that I'm just a really bad gamedesigner. Either way, I sadly have to redesign the entire concept of Psishock.
Did anyone on here play "Euthanasia"? If you did, you might remember a huge pile of error messages and random shader failures...thats exactly what I'm dealing with in PSISHOCK. This and the constant Memory Cap filling up with the smallest possible levels. I simply can not hold on to that level of visual quality and to be honest. With games like deadspace, system shock and doom³ around...most people do see this as a rip off which is really annoying if you actually try to tell an interesting story. I keep this plot to write a novel later this year but until now it gets rewritten to work in a non-space scenario.
You see, a game where the average level takes 3 to 4 minutes to complete is not fun. A game where you just drag the gameplay with repetitive key puzzles to 10 - 15 minutes sucks even more.
I'm really sorry to fail again, but believe I'm trying. I really don't want to release another dry shooter as Euthanasia and it is very likely that Shavra gets a release before Psishock.
This Indiedb profile will be redesigned soon.
sorry to hear that, but can't you switch this title to a more advanced engine to avoid that kind of problems?
This might even happen...we'll see what the future will bring. Up to this point, it remains and FPSC title
Yea, you should switch to UDK or Cryengine 3, but I recommend UDK as it is an easier engine to work with.
My mainproject (Relict) is currently being developed in UDK. I don't think I am ready yet to develop something like this in UDK though. I just want to make one last game in fpsc this year...to close this chapter :)
How about Source? It's quite simple, very flexible as well as still good-looking.
UDk is far superior in every way to source.
I'm not a big fan of how source renders light. Thats why I moved on to UDK. I like the overall working environment better.