What would be an heroic fantasy game without magic? Well, not something I would personally like to play. Cubicverse however has been first released without, due to time constraint, yet, 2 weeks after, the magic is here!
We have then the freeze spell which let you block an enemy for a while:
We have also a poison effect (Skunk Vapor):
And an heal spell. All those are yet available, however to grab them, you need to finish a quest (a fun one we hope).
Each spell costs mana points (MP for short), which can be then recovered drinking mana potions or waiting a bit as the mana recover slowly alone.
Magic will be further improved with more spells and more options later on, while the game grows, but we wanted to bring a first taste of magic as quickly as possible.
Magic will also be usable in multi-player combats, helping other players or combining multiple magic effect.
Nice jobs, but it need some character animations.
If you check out the videos or try the game you will see that all is animated, it was just to show the effects here.