For whatever reason, Maccadoolie hasn't been online for about 45 days. Nobody on the team knows whats happening with him, but essentially we've lost a lot of speed with development.
We are not looking for a new coder, as this really is Maccadoolie's mod. We will finish it, but we can't until he gets back.
In the mean time I guess I'll post some media every now and then, but progress is waiting on Macca coming back.
Also, happy 2012 :)
- Nado & Xieneus
I hope he returns soon D:
It's will be too bad !
It's was growning well.
did he die?
If he don't come back, What are you gonna do?
i thought he got grounded by his dad
Aw man that sucks :(
45 days??
that is not something to take lightly....
hope all is well and there is a good (not serieus)
explanation for those 45 days, although i can't think of
one right now at the top of my head.
I wouldn't feel write about getting a new coder, it is maccadoolies project. We'll wait as long as we need too.
Maybe his COM burned up while playing something, or maybe his house burned down. Who knows? But I hope he/she returns.