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Well then, I don't have much to add about the mod but I'll do what I can. I'm working on the mod on my own, and all I will be able to do is some coding and the mapping. With both these jobs I'm not very experienced in so it will take some time. Anyway, any volunteers would be largely

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Well then, I don't have much to add about the mod but I'll do what I can.

I'm working on the mod on my own, and all I will be able to do is some coding and the mapping. With both these jobs I'm not very experienced in so it will take some time. Anyway, any volunteers would be largely appreciated.

I can't really list much about the mod at the moment, since I don't have any visual proof or anything I can show you guys other than a big block of text. What I can try and do is list a set of features which should hopefully inform anyone already interested in the mod for now:

-20+ weapons
Featuring things from every-day chairs to the prototype plasma rifle. Weapons will be scarce, and you'll have to rely on survival and resourcefulness with limited ammo and limited ranged weapons. Most of the time you'll be stuck with surroundings and you'll have to use those to eliminate any threats.

-10+ unique monsters to face on the space station.
You won't be left alone on the station. There'll be monsters to keep you company. Bad ones of course. Each monster will hopefully have its own unique feature, and will be located in different parts of the station.

-Large dark and scary abandoned areas on the ship

-More than just spraying your guns and ramming melee objects against everything that moves.
You'll be doing more than just shooting everything that moves in the Lost Station. You'll have to do various tasks. Not pure set objectives, but just tasks you'll do and find out yourself. You'll have to do various puzzle activities as well. This could be a locked down areas, but heck, it could be the whole ship turning against you.

-Plenty of other content.
There's much more that will be added, but that's for you to play and find out during release!

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