Post news RSS Lithic Postponement

Flintlock Studios' Game Lithic is to be postponed.

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Hey guys,

We have a sad announcement to make today. We will be postponing Lithic for the time being. Before we go into further details about why, we would like to make clear that this is not a rushed decision. This is one of the toughest decisions we’ve had to make as a Studio and one we made with careful consideration of other options before going down this route.

There’s been a number of factors that have made us reach this decision but the two main reasons have been down to a lack of an animator and some massive Unity bugs.

The Unity bugs we have covered previously in a blog post and whilst we had scheduled in time to deal with one possibly two of these kind of issues, we hit a few more that broke the game in ways we didn’t even think were possible.

As you know we also launched a Kickstarter that was ultimately unsuccessful. We really wanted to use the money from the Kickstarter to improve on the animation of Lithic which we personally feel is the currently the weakest element of the game. Without having an animator we feel that the game is not up to the standard we want and releasing it in its current form could be fatal to us as a company.

We want to make it clear that Lithic is not cancelled and we have no intention of letting it become a distant memory either. We are just taking a break from it to explore other options so that in the future we can hire an animator to get it to the standard that we want it to be.

We’ve tried to be as honest as we can throughout this process but we know we’ve made ended up making some false promises about release dates. At the time we fully intended to make those release dates and we are aware that we’ve let you down as well as ourselves by not meeting them.

That said it’s not all doom and gloom! We have come back to the New Year with a new project that we believe is achievable with our current resources.

We are not announcing anything on this new game just yet. Because a) we like to keep you all completely in suspense and b) we want to be able to show you something that is more than just a concept. We think that you will find this game as interesting as Lithic, just in a different way!

Finally we just want to thank each and every one of you for the support that you have given us so far with Lithic. We are disappointed that it has come to this but we remain hopeful for 2016. We plan to keep you as updated as we can with development of our new project and hope that you will keep supporting us as we do so.

If you have any comments or questions about this we've opened up a Forum topic here on our website.

Jon, Tom and Beki

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