Post news RSS LIMITED OFFER! 1st 100 Only! Be in the Game!!!

In order to raise some funds to by some new computer equipment for the final development of CDF Ghostship & Ghostship Aftermath we are offering something very unique to the first 100 pre-orders from today (26/12/13)

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In order to raise some funds to by some new computer equipment for the final development of CDF Ghostship & Ghostship Aftermath we are offering something very unique to the first 100 pre-orders from today (26/12/13)
We have had almost no funding up to now and have relied on our passion and dedication but our sole development computer is now 3 years old and we are in dire need of a new development system. We aim to invest in a mid range system so we only need to raise 1k.
THE FIRST 100 PRE-ORDERS will get all the usual stuff :Current alpha access and alpha updates, Early access steam key, full game key and the "Ghostship Survival guide" E book at half price when published in November 2014.

Limited to the first 100 pre-orders !!! You can have your name and picture stored on the ships crew database is an example.

Your real name or a name of your choosing and some other details as well as your photo will be in the final release of the game. Become apart of the ships crew! This is a limited offer and is strictly on a first come first served basis! We will keep our forums update with the remaining slots.

Pre-order CDF Ghostship, Aftermath or the combo bundle @ our web site! First come! First Served!

We wish you all a happy new year and we look forward releasing our debut Ghostship titles in 2014! Thanks for your support!

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