Post news RSS lil update

A quick little news enjoy. Uh I am just gonna say some random stuff rite here bec of moddb wanting 50 letters or some thing xD theres the random stuff :P

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Hey everyone, We are keeping the same stuff as we did with our long lost coder johnythedotman. But with our older coder yair1221.

Computer On\off (Great new sounds)
Nano-Tech skin anims
Attack mode (New sounds and great timing)
Gatling guns (both normal and attack)
Missile Launchers
License plate switch
Skimode left(Now Stays :D)
Skimode right(Now Stays :D)
Turboboost (Adjustable with Anims for attack Mode)
Turboboost left
Turboboost right
Old school mode
Re-inflate tires
Tire Spiker (With sounds)
Fire Extinguisher
New start scene
Nanotech Skin
Self Destruct
Anti-Missile Flares
First Aid
Weapons Cache
Emp (very real, great sounds and fry up to 8 cars !!)
Submarine Mode (for the old school car, only on water not underwater)
KITT Screen Animation (For the time being, Speedometer, Radar, some other screen anims and notifications for weapons and KITT's conditions)

Mission's (in the works)

Attack mode animations (the hardest of them all !! Just gotta do the coding :D)
Remote door locks

Ford F-150 mode
Cop mode

remote control
parachute script

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