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Hello everyone, Long time no see. I havent been working much on the project in the past 4 - 5 months, which i did because i wanted to take a break from the project and see how the newest versions of each map, would rate to the public. So far things are looking good, but only recently, ive got back into

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Hello everyone,

Long time no see. I havent been working much on the project in the past 4 - 5 months, which i did because i wanted to take a break from the project and see how the newest versions of each map, would rate to the public. So far things are looking good, but only recently, ive got back into the swing of things and began releasing my project on other downloading sites around the net.

One big Development im very proud and honored of, is one of my maps has been added to 'DIRECTOR'S CHOICE' section. This is proof my maps have come along way and are worth all the work i have put into them.

Other sites ive recently added my maps to are;

Im planning to start development on the next updates and new maps as soon as ive obtained some new models and skins. The new maps could be Blood Bath, and maybe challenger depending on what people are interested in.

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