Post news RSS Last Week & Improvements Coming This Week

We want to start off this new week by saying thank you to the significant amount of interest this past week. Players you have been fantastic and provided so much useful feedback to us in game ideas, improvements to make and fixes that need to be made. I also want to apologize for the patch issues that have been causing issues for some players this week. We will be working to improve the patch client from the feedback left in the forums to make it a more pleasurable experience in the future.

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We want to start off this new week by saying thank you to the significant amount of interest this past week. Players you have been fantastic and provided so much useful feedback to us in game ideas, improvements to make and fixes that need to be made. I also want to apologize for the patch issues that have been causing issues for some players this week. We will be working to improve the patch client from the feedback left in the forums to make it a more pleasurable experience in the future. We will also be looking into new service options for faster patch distribution.

For this week, we are planning to do the following:

-Consolidate the patches to reduce the amount of patches and data players must download.
-Fix critical bugs that players have discovered (bugs that resulted in a couple server crashes over the past few days)
-Fix some other medium/minor bugs identified by players
-Provide additional housing for players to select from as the demand seems to be rising in this area.
-Continue work on expanding game world.
-Complete an Always Run option for the client (Requested By numerous users)
-Start work on Bounty quests (work orders) for adventure class characters (Thanks Arche I think this is a great idea)
-Continue work on KickStarter objectives

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