Post news RSS Last Chance to Preorder!

The Kickstarter campaign is almost up, and this is your last chance to pick up a pre-order of the game.

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Firstly I wanted to thank everyone so much for getting us to our Kickstarter goal. It's a dream come true for both of us over here at Only Human Studios. We're really looking forward to making this game, and are so excited we've picked up so many fans already! Our indiedb viewers played no small part in helping us get where we are, so we really appreciate all you guys did for us!

I did want to send out one last reminder that this is the last chance to pre-order the game if that's something you we're hoping to do (38 hours at the time of this writing). After that the price will increase when the game is released to the general public later this year.

Game news-wise, it has been the holidays, and we've been very busy fighting to see that our funding goal was reached, so not a ton of development has happened that we can show off yet. We did have a few small things happen that we are excited about though.

New Voice Actor!
Firstly Venn Stone from has joined the team as a voice actor. Venn does indie/linux game captures and I give it my personal endorsement of being worth checking out! Venn will be narrating the introduction and mission briefings of the game. He's got excellent talent, so I'm very thankful to have his skill on this project.


DarkOne from SpaceSimCentral has graciously offered us forum space on his website at . He's also a cool guy, and we are very happy to finally have a proper place to discuss the game at!

On our end, Rusty has been working on adding proper glass windows to the spaceship interiors so that you can finally look outside. I've been working on cleaning up the game engine, rewriting the parts that we're a little (i.e a lot) messy, and preparing it for the inclusion of the single player missions which I'm hoping to work on next.

Until next time, happy hunting!

Pennypacker - - 262 comments

Phew, lucky I caught this.
Im glad to see the goal has been reached aswell :)

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