Post news RSS Labyrinth CCG + RPG Week 11 Development Progress

This week we are working towards having a stable build that Chris, our CEO, can take to DICE, plus get a Mac build working to start testing. We are hoping to release Alpha early next week; then conduct another Twitch challenge for Alpha Key holders the 19th-22nd.

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Week 11 Progress

Orgron ChieftanOrgron Chieftain


This week we are working towards having a stable build that Chris, our CEO, can take to DICE, plus get a Mac build working to start testing.

This is what we accomplished this last week:

  • The engineering team work on replays for debugging; matchmaking server; new timeline; new card features; offline mode; deck validation; bugs including shader issues, 3D bugs in fire projectile and action time overlaps, new camera collision solution so camera doesn't conflict with room environments; backend work including server to DB interface, game room to DB interface, wipe users button; core system work including asset manager refactor and build setting based profile loading, steam login, and rendering options; and a PSD helper tool for artists.
  • The art team worked on card backs; a storyboard template for character trailers and the Blademaster trailer as the first; art for web site refresh; character gallery polish; Minotaur, Fireheart, Scorpion, Sun Priestess wind up animations; UI art including boss select animations, the hero deck element, and Deck builder polish; and pyromancer and priestess melee effects.
  • The audio team worked on voice over spec; Bronze Captain, Bushwhacker, Sentry, Sentinel, and Trapmaster sounds; as well as VO for the Blademaster trailer.
  • The design team worked on planning including a spec for alpha; card updates including integrating card art and assets, default boss decks, and neutral defense cards full passes on damage filters; and finishing celestial dragon and Priestess of Sun cards.


Upcoming Alpha

We are hoping to release Alpha early next week; then conduct another Twitch challenge for Alpha Key holders the 19th-22nd. We will contact Alpha Key holders by email once we have the Alpha build ready for release.

Trap SmithTrap Smith

Fund Labyrinth

Time is running out. We promised to close the current pre-release rewards 2 weeks before we launch Early Access. Early Access will most likely start in the beginning of March. The time is now to let your friends know that they should back Labyrinth before this opportunity for exclusive items is gone.

7 more backers and all backers get an additional copy of the 4th alternative art offense card.


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