Post news RSS Kung-Fu UFO Alpha demo out - Indiegogo campaign live

We finally launched our crowdfunding campaign complete with a playable demo and a ton of updates and new content. Take a look!

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Hi everyone!!! We released an Alpha demo ROM!!! You can download it by clicking on the picture below.
It can be played on any SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis emulator or on real hardware using a flashcart.

Also... Our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign is finally live!


We are adding the Steam Port to the original campaign goal.

steam key

That means that if our goal is reached all of our backers will receive a steam Key for Kung-Fu UFO once the game releases on this platform.

Now people can get a copy of our game for $10. We believe that this adds a lot of value to all of our perks and it will motivate more backers to support our project.

That also allows us to lower our stretch goals as well.

share picture indiegogo

We're launching this crowdfunding to get the needed resources to finish our game and produce all of the physical cartridges, boxes, CDs and other rewards and merchandising.
Take a look at our campaign's page and enjoy our demo.

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Here's a new gameplay video from the last build of Kung-Fu UFO.

These are just some of the rewards that we are offering our backers... there's more!


Once again, Thank you very much, we'll try and keep you posted as much as we can.
Please join our mailing list on
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and suscribe our YouTube channel.

Thank you very much.

Javier and Sebastiàn - The Retro Nerve Team.


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