Post news RSS Koi No Yokan (map title)

I'm working on the hardest part of the whole episode, since level 4 is now the key map. However, this week has been so busy with all the end of the year stuff that I haven't been able to do much with the editor.

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I'm working on the hardest part of the whole episode, since level 4 is now the key map. However, this week has been so busy with all the end of the year stuff that I haven't been able to do much with the editor.

I'm coming up with ideas every day, so I can't wait to get them into shape.

I will upload a trailer or at least a short play video before the end of the year. Just to give you a feel of my mod.

I think I'll have more time at the end of the year so I'll have more time to tinker with the editor.

Sorry it's (still) so simple today.

Thanks again for your patience!

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