This is my Kickstarter video. There are many like it, yet this one is mine!
King Randall's Party is in early alpha. It's got some great features, and if you download the alpha build (which you can do here on IndieDB. The Kickstarter download link just links back here) you can play around with it and get a good feel for what the game CAN BE. But it will only get there with the awesome support of gamers like you. Gamers who want to see small indie projects like King Randall's Party succeed. And if everyone pitches in a little (or a lot!) and shares with their friends, we can make that happen.
So please, head over to the Kickstarter page and back the project - and share with your friends! Be the King's Messenger and spread the word!
Awesome Kickstarter video. Ok, game looks cool too.
Thanks! I had it filmed by a friend of mine who has done some documentary work before ( He had some snappy ideas that really made the video interesting. I'll be posting the outtakes in a week or two.
Interesting concept. I'll look more into the game. Good luck with the kickstarter also.
Thanks for the support! If you can, drop by and pitch in with the Kickstarter and share the link with your friends!
Looks really cool!
Thanks Lord!