To begin with I would just quickly like to introduce you to the new website. We finally got rid of the old blog and moved into something a little more appropriate. The idea is that this website works in exactly the same way as the previous site, but we can do more with it and host subdomains, for example a KAPUT community site. Here is the link:
Following the new website we decided it was about time we started thinking about release plans and where we are going with the game. Beta 1.1 is probably no more than 3 weeks away so we decided that with the update we would bring in our new release plan. The game will hopefully be released around July - September this year so running up to that we will have regular Beta updates. In order to access these updates you will have to purchase the game on the chosen distribution service whether we host that or upload the game to somewhere like the Humble store. After that all updates will be uploaded to the elected site and can be accessed with a one time purchase. The idea is to sell the game during Beta for £1.50 up to £1.99 (that's around $2.50 to $3.40). This will also grant you access to the final release. When it is complete the game will probably cost £3.99 (that's $6.59). The final prices for Beta will be put up soon, but as of yet we haven't decided.
Regarding development though the plant inventory is in with saving and loading features and the first plant identifiers are in the game working. We are just working to finish the other plant related machines and then cram in any last minute bug fixes and mystery features, so not long to wait now. We are also going to be moving some old media across from the original blog, so if you see any updates you have seen before it's not a mistake.