Post news RSS KAPUT Beta 1.1 Now Available!

KAPUT Beta 1.1 is now available on the Humble Store! Free copies for YouTubers who would like to feature the game in one of their videos the game (see article)

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Early yesterday evening KAPUT finally got published. We have been waiting for a while on news about the games release. KAPUT is now available on the Humble Store via either the news post or on the KAPUT website. The game is $2.99 at the moment however will be put up to around $5.99 when the game is released.

With regards to Beta 1.2 we have some concepts coming together and will be posting them shortly. Please remember if you purchase the Beta you will also have access to all the future Beta updates and the final game. The ideas we have had so far for the 1.2 version include:

- Lanterns (to light up areas at night)
- Particles (including liquids)
- Ambient creatures/sound (creating a living atmosphere to the world)
- Possibly a moon
- Two new bosses (spawning after certain things are achieved)
- Achievements
- A new enemy mob

We would still like to here what you think. Send your ideas to!

Any YouTubers wishing to feature this game in a video we have this copyright notice:

Industrial Games explicitly grants permission to anyone to make recordings of KAPUT, and to monetize any videos of the game they produce.

Again any YouTubers, if you send an email through to he will be able to sort you out with a free Humble Store key. You will also feature on the Industrial Games website and be listed in the games credits.

Here is an example:

Any issues with the build (bugs, crashes) please contact our support email and we should be able to sort it out.


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