Post news RSS June 20, 2012 - Software Renderer Update

I’ve spent a fair amount of time making sure the core engine is architecture is solid and supports things like cross platform support, networking support, core scripting, plugin support and so forth so that we have a solid foundation on which to support all these games.

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One of the important core architectural decisions is to support multiple low-level rendering backends. This will allow the engine to be porting to things like mobile devices eventually or other odd platforms. In order to make sure that this works well, I’ve implemented not only the core OpenGL backend but also the software renderer as well. While it won’t be complete or as fast as it will be later, the initial release will have software rendering support. :) Currently it supports table based fog, directional lighting, high quality perspective correct texture mapping, clipping and culling, zbuffering, 2D blitting with arbitrary scaling and so forth.

Here are a couple of screenshots from a test room (note the Window will say XL Engine, not DagSoft in the release).

Note: in these screenshots the renderer is in 32-bit mode, 8-bit will also be supported.

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