Post news RSS Journey's End Dev Log #2 - Hair and Updates

In today's Dev Log we'll talk about our new hair system and some updates on core mechanics!

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First of all I'd like to apologize for the incredibly long wait for this dev log. The past 2 months have been absolutely crazy because of real life situations combined with the fact that we're completely redoing the inventory system.

Before we showcase the new inventory system we'd like to show off the new hair in Journey's End! Gone are the bald heads of yesterday, now we have full heads of luxurious hair!

Zeneth Hair

Our hair uses Shpakivnia's Hair Tool. Its an absolutely wonderful asset to work with, and it greatly streamlines production of new hairstyles.

Human Hair

During character creation players can customize both the root and tip colors of the hair, allowing for full control of your character's hairstyle.

Zon Hair

Hair Sideview

In addition to the hair styles we've added some underwear for each of the races and genders.


We're currently working hard on a large update to the inventory system, so get ready for an extensive post in the next couple weeks detailing it!

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