Post news RSS Jaws of Evolution gameplay preview!

Take a look on our first Jaws of Evolution gameplay preview. Video was recorded with Fraps from standalone demo version.

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Hello Moddb&Indiedb community!
It has been a while since our last update and this time i am representing first gameplay footage.

I have been working hard on anything except programming, which has been carried by two programmers who have worked on project.

This is standaloane build version 0.4, which is still lacking some major gameplay features. There still isnt "enemy" fish AI, evolution feature, growing process and more.I have also had problems with setup of eat animations, which have been working with previous build version, but arent working at the momment.Current build is using plane mesh refraction in front of camera, which looks fine but it has some major display problems especially when it comes to post-effects.Post-effects are completly rendered out when using this refraction mesh and do not show at all. Later on, this will be probably fixed with post-effect refraction effect,since we really need Dept of Field and Sun rays displayed correctly.

I have been looking on Unity forums for almost any feature that we could use in game and it is yet not officaly supported in engine.Unity engine itself is good software tool, but it is still missing some pretty common graphic features in gamming industry.Forum community is excellent and is really huge part of Unity engine developers. You can find some decent features and include them for your project if needed.

We have included bump&specular maps for terrain so far, which give terrain some additional depth. Next thing would be to get acces to vertex painter, which will be great addition to vertex painted meshes, especially rocks.There is also Strumpy shader editor, a great shader editing tool from Unity community, but sadly i didnt find it very useful.Yes you can create some advanced and custom shaders, but the fact is that almost all assets in this game are using bump_spec shader,which means that making one on my own is not necessary since it is already included in engine. However i would recommend it to anyone who is not satisfied with current engine shaders.

Gameplay video of deep sea:

(If you have very dark brightness on your computer you wont be able to see much from video. Increasing brightness will solve this problem.) Frame rate is very low, some due to Fraps and some due to the fact becouse scene isnt yet optimised.

On side note i also appologise for delayed demo release. I know that it has been said that demo will be released early this year, but due to several facts i cannot release demo yet and i cant tell when exactly will be released. Reason for that is majorly release plan of project, which is not certain for what platforms except PC and Mac this project will be released on.

Our website has been just finished and you can acces it on this address: (There are no assets on website yet. Our website designer will add them in week or two)

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

hardcoregamer24 - - 866 comments

great gameplay man you and your crew did a good job.

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JohnnyMaverik - - 469 comments

Looks interesting, the HUD needs a lot of polishing but lots of time for that later. Basic gameplay makes sense and that shadow at the end got me really excited. Looking forward to seeing more.

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PsychoticLoner - - 1,011 comments

Cool! Good to see you getting the actual game up.

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lol1234 - - 1,765 comments

looks amazing :o

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