Post news RSS Jabroni Brawl Ep. 3 - Revival Media Update #4!

New maps, new guns, seasonal content, prop throwing, FUNC_VEHICLE, and content cross-overs with They Hunger and Gunman Chronicles!

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HELLO! It’s time for another punctual update! Totally on time, as always!! Right on cue!!!

So yeah I’m a little late, but don’t worry. Progress has been going at the same blazing pace that it has been ever since the revival started. There’s lots to discuss, so hereeeee we go.



Yyyyep. We’ve add some more player models. First up is the original stuff

Florida Man (By Bekoha and Chanoc), Barnicle (by Gazyi), the HL2 horse statue (By Ellis), and a crocodile member for Ellis’ ever expanding fluffy force group

And then the ports

Gina and Collete from Decay (From TheKraken and Chanoc), the male assassin from Opposing Force (From TheKraken), and the male and female soldier from Alien Swarm (From Rara and Ellis)

And there’s still much more to come.


Gravity Mines weapon interaction improvements

The gravity mines have probably been the most unstable feature in this mod, not surprisingly. They have the ability to spit stuff back out after eating it. Recently, Zero began work on making this feature fully interact with all our current weapon projectiles, ensuring that even the firing mode of the shot gets preserved when they get fired back out. The result has been pretty damn impressive lol.

Ricochet Disc redesign (Model by MagnumPi, texture by Chanoc)

Our ricochet disc has been given an overhaul, and now has a new model + texture

Compound Bow sneak Peek (from Austin)

Another addition to the instagib arsenal, this weapon will hopefully be added soon

Roulette Bow Sneak Peek (From Snood)

Probably one of my most anticipated weapons, this bow will revolve around the gimmick of each arrow you draw being a unique arrow ‘type’, such as bouncy shot or explosive shot, etc. It should prove damn interesting.

Scientist Hunt Hammer (from MagnumPi)

You may have seen one before waaaay back in the day, but we’ve gone ahead and remade it to be more inline with the original mallet. Left click will smack players across the map, right click is a downward swing that will shrink them upon hit. .


Placeholder model, but the code is all set-up at least. Sneak uses it in SvT to place markers on enemies in a set radius of him, so he can see the current location of where someone is a few rooms over. It’ll come at the cost of making a loud pinging sound, tho.

Poison Rations

Another SvT weapon, this is a throwable fake healthkit Sneak can leave behind and trick terrorists with. If they grab it, they’ll become poisoned, and their health will slowly drop to 1 UNLESS they or a team-mate can throw down a proper healing ration (in the above vid i just threw myself into the ceiling and died from that, not the poison ration lol).

Scientist Shotgun changes (new animation from Chanoc)

While we still haven’t gotten the proper weapon model itself in game, we have made changes to the projectiles. The primary fire shot, which is the bouncy one, will break through any destructible props and only detonate on impact with a player. They’re colored blue, and are curled into a ball. In addition, they’ll also make pinball noises as they ricochet off objects. Alt fire, the stick shot, will stick into anything it hits and only detonate if it hits a player. It’s all pretty great to see in action on densely populated servers.


COLD SCIENCE - Made by Nask

This massive map is mainly meant for SvT, but you can play it on the DM gamemodes as well thanks to some DM exclusive portals that’ll help connect the top and bottom regions. The map itself depicts a massive mountainside base complete with missle silo, and various drivable vehicles.

AIRSHIP- Made by MissingNoGuy

Another massive map, this one depicts a massive flying airship with various different places to explore. The gimmick here will be the occasional fog that comes flooding in every so often, complete with air raid siren warning system to give everyone a heads up.

TRUSS BRIDGE - Made by TheKraken

Inspired by the rail bridge in Half-Life 2, this foggy map features various rooms to explore, a top region covered in destroyed vehicles, and a number of props that can be used to kill your opponents.

CYBERPUNK - ported and edited by Chanoc, original map by Xenon

Ok yeah we didn’t make this, but we are tweaking it a tad at least. It’s the popular TF2 fan map, fixed up for JB (and ofc done with the original creators full permission)

LOCKDOWN - ported and edited by MissingNoGuy

Yea it’s lockdown.. BUT WITH A TWIST. It’s actually the expanded version of Lockdown that was featured in the Japanese arcade Half-Life 2: Survivor game. MissingNoGuy tweaked the lighting significantly so as to better resemble the original lockdown, and made a few minor alterations, but otherwise look forward trying out an all new version of a classic map.


So if you’ve read our steam page, you’ve probably noticed the emphasis that was put on this mod paying tribute to the old forgotten HL1 mods of long, long ago. Up till now this has mostly been in the form of concepts and weapons, but lately we’ve been given the unique privilege to go even further with two mods in particular. We’ve gotten our hands on the source files for certain maps from these mods, and are now hard at work editing them to make some fun DM maps

First up is THEY HUNGER. Slartibarty and the rest of the Sven-Coop team were kind enough to hook us up with the original source files for They Hunger, and we’ve already gotten some of them fixed up into a proper DM map, courtesy of Matto

Next up will be our take on the final map in the first They Hunger: the police station+radio station areas. I already have a draft outline I’ve drawn up for the reworked layout, but we’ll wait till something has been put together to show off anything from it. After that map we’ll see where we end up, but there’s certainly lots of other possibilities (the hospital? The underground lab?? Maybe the farms??? Who knows) but for now we’re all having a lot of fun on this map

But perhaps the most interesting (and still WIP) aspect of these maps is that they’ll be filled with authentic They Hunger zombies. We’ve gone the extra mile with this and are setting up a way to make use of all of the They Hunger zombies, and given them special attributes based on the type of zombie they are (IE: the ones armed with weapons can send you flying on hit). We’ll see where this takes us, but it should be great fun. To start us off, I went ahead and categorized the zombies in the mod, to help give an idea of the degree of variety the mod had

Should prove quite fun, and a great way to make the maps stay interesting during long games. And while they aren’t fully incorporated into the game just yet, we’ve at least made some admin commands to help spawn them in

The second ‘mod’ we’ll be tackling is none other than the commercially released GUNMAN CHRONICLES. Thanks to Jackathan, we’ve gotten a hold of source files from an early E3 build of the game, and are using these levels to construct some absolutely massive maps. We’ve got various people working on various ideas, but my hope is to have at least one map to represent each core chapter from the game. First up is the Mayan chapter, and I’ve already been quite busy drawing up layouts for that map. Hopefully I’ll have something concrete to show next update, but for now here’s an early sneak peak, from MissingNoGuy

For both of these mods, we'll of course be adding a great deal of player models. It's pretty heavily WIP, but rest assured our massive player model list will have plenty from both mods


Jill, our programmer, and Ellis, our modeler/mapper, have been hard at work setting up a seasonal events system that will change the look of various aspects of the mod during certain holidays. They started with Halloween, and the result was pretty fantastic. Take a look and Ellis' content additions in the videos below

We aim to have more holidays covered at some point, but we’ll see how things go. For now, there’s one all set up and good to go. Big shout-outs to all the revamped content Ellis provided for this, it’s a lot but it’s all panned out very nicely.

Chanoc also provided a halloween version of his Killbox map, complete with invisible Zombies that only appear when you get close enough to them. It's pretty great:


Zero set up a system for throwing props when you have your fists out, by picking them up with the use key, and then pressing the kick key to drop kick them into opponents. It’s been extremely fun to say the least.


func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle func vehicle

-is not yet near finished, but will be soon. We have plans in place to GREATLY expand the capabilities of it while still retaining that classic and simplified gold source feel, so it should definitely prove one of the most significant additions to this mod. I really should wait till we have more to show, but screw it, here’s a sneak peek of some random shenanigans (don't worry about the vehicles falling through the map all the time, it’s being worked on lol)


Welcome aboard Slartibarty and Austin to our dev team, and Chaos, Crash, Mr. Brown and Linemeks to our Localisation team!


As always, if you’re interested in contributing to the mod (outside of voice acting), please join our Discord and @ me on there. We’d love the help! Though as far as maps go, at this point we’re going to be quite selective. But feel free to stop by anyways.


Looooots of progress once again, and a ton of really awesome stuff still in development that’ll hopefully be ready to show next update. As always, feel free to pop into our discord if you want to chat or offer any help with the mod. We also have a youtube channel up, featuring linked clips from our various testers. Check it out

And as always, here’s some footage of the last months highlights:

Craptasket - - 19 comments

Valve hates car map people

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Grim_2o0o - - 14 comments


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Blue199 - - 6,970 comments

holy ****, gunman chronicles!?!?!?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
SweetRamona - - 5,197 comments

Amazing work as always!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
chanoc - - 7 comments


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Bloodvayne - - 544 comments

Fantastic update!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
pegran - - 140 comments


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