Post news RSS It's been a long time...

There hasn't been any updates. So here's one.

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Okay, we've been gone for a while, school has started back, which had really just messed everything up. We have almost everything planned out, we have two mappers, and material editor, someone for the sounds and music, and someone for the code (Although there won't be much code editing.) But, we still have one problem, we've been using models from other people on Game Banana to fill in until we get a modeler, we got one, and he recently had stopped contacting me. So, it's been weeks since we've heard from him, so here's the problem we ran into when we first started, no one to do the models. I didn't just want to go onto random modding forums and be like "OMG NEEED MODELER PLZZZ!". But it seems as if it's going to have to come to that, we have no way to pay anyone, but if anyone's willing, we'll just about accept anyone with a little model editing experience, until then, we might release some sound tracks, maybe a video, and some pictures of the maps.

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