Post news RSS It is the TestBed of "The Crypt.." version 1.B.1

It is the TestBed of "The Crypt.." version 1.B.1 added Raycast engines & wildlife.

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Update TestBed in v1.B.1 :o

added 2 news engine:
- Raycast for explosion & World Life Test (Birds).

Update & adding modules :
- explosion simple & effets. v1.6
- explosion simple & effets + décors. v1.4
- explosion simple & effets + destruction décors. v1.4
- explosion simple & effets + destruction décors. Methode "Raycast" v1.2: INT
- explosion sharpnel. v1.1
- explosion multiple. v1.4
- explosion a retardement. v1.4.
- world_Test_LightAmbiance. v1.1
- world_Test_Player mouvement/bodypart. v1.3
- world_Test_ wildlife. v1.0 INT
- world_Test_Ennemi-Distance. v1.2
- world_Test_Ennemi-Vue. v1.1
- world test weapons. v1.1
- world test lightning Off,uniquement les ombres dynamiques. v1.4
- world test lightning On,ligthning et ombres dynamiques et statiques. v1.3

Example of modules:

A)explosion effects + destruction decorations. Methode "Raycast" v1.2:
- adding Raycast (x 80 Yellowbullets) for the Front Flame Zone
adding Raycast (x 60 Redbullets) for the Shockwave
- adding spread & speed

fisrt is Shockwave,second it's a FF & third is the integral explosion.

B)Birds flying v1.0:
-beginning engin wildlife.

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