Post news RSS Is it all about the graphics?

I've had a bit of feedback of Gene - some good, some not so, but it depends on your tastes. Almost all of it relates to the graphics and not the story or game play. So what makes a good game; graphics or the whole game?

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Gene is by far my biggest game to date. Almost all the feedback is instantly based on the look of the game. I am not an artist and I am desperate to be able to get one in for my next project, but I have done what I can with what I have and I am really proud of Gene. I have created some of my own images from scratch and I hope that the love and care that has gone into Gene can be seen.

I mapped out every level prior to design and detailed every gem placement, ship part and coin to make it fun and exciting. I really hope people can see that the game has direction and flows. Gene has massive levels in comparison to other platformers taking around 8 minutes per level to complete the first time. This game is not about how fast you can do it, but doing it well and knowing how to move around, find objects and use your skills.

I am always looking for ways to improve Gene, so please, give it a play and let me know what you think. I would love for people have real fun playing Gene.

Gn0meSlice - - 568 comments

I dunno, I didn't much care for the art at first, but it's grown on me. The game has this old school vibe (from what I've seen in the trailer). Given the fact that you're not an artist, I'd say you did a pretty decent job.

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RabbyC Author
RabbyC - - 2 comments

Thank you Gn0meSlice I appreciate your comments.

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