We’re into our third day on Kickstarter and things are looking great. Ira received a staff pick on the first day, and we’ve already passed the 37% funded mark, which is a huge milestone. The response to Ira has been great across the board; we’ve had some awesome articles, let’s plays of our demo, and our Steam Greenlight page has exploded, reaching the #33 of the top 100 games in 3 days and we’re still rising steadily.
You’re making this game happen, and we’ve been overwhelmed by your response. But this is still only the beginning. Ira needs your support, and spreading the word is the next step to make it a reality. Tell a friend about Ira. Send out a tweet. Make a post on your favorite forum. Ira is a grassroots campaign and we need every bit of your support to keep this train moving. Twitter Game Jolt Facebook
We have brand new backer levels! Our previous tiers “Visionary” and “Light of Humanity” allowed you to throw yourself into the world of Ira, becoming one of society's heroes, but now you can be one of its villains. The antithesis to those tiers, you can now have your likeness cast as one of the founders of Intele Co, immortalized in its hallowed halls as a one of the creators of the world’s corporatocracy. One level higher and you will be cast as one of Intele Co’s current board of directors and you’ll see your likeness in-game as a member of the ruling class, exploiting the global depression, taking your place at the top of of society.
Lore: From a high rise suite a corporate fat cat gazes down over his the grounds of Intele Co’s world headquarters, inspecting his domain with a careful eye. From this vantage he can see the lines of laborers set to embark for seasonal martian mining, all clad in tattered gear, unprepared for the harsh conditions of the mines. How many would return? Was it pity that he felt, or only a gluttony for profit margins? He may hold the title of CEO, but he can feel the board of directors breathing down his neck, obsessing over the details of financial reports, never satisfied with any gain. Would his father be proud of this company today? They were a powerhouse of industry, but at what cost? The gloom below was his empire, and nothing remained that could stand against the company. His eyes turned upwards, finding the form of the Holocene suspended in the sky, a sign of hope and a guarantee of prosperity. It was more than an interstellar ship, and few knew its true potential. With it, he could change everything.