Post news RSS Introducing new developers

In this article, we will be introducing the new head developers of the mod!

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Hello everyone, my name is Mark, I am Lead Developer of Bear Force II. I've played this mod for about 2,5 years now and have enjoyed it thoroughly. My modding experience is slim at best, but I learn quick and have a good team behind me to back me up. I hope we will bring forward this mod in the same quantity and quality as you are used to!

Hello, I'm Emiel Regis. Programmist with long Warband multiplayer modding experience. Recently got tricked into doing most of the coding work in Bear Force II. So here I am. If you see any bug you can probably blame me.

Hello, I'm Darth Mongol, and modder since 2016, inspired originally by Star Wars Conquest to start learning about modifying visual aspects of the module. Over time I joined Bear Force II for... reasons that I actually don't remember now, but anyways, I've stuck around here helping with stuff I can and contributing some content in forms of armors and animations.

Tardik_cz - - 170 comments

Did I just smell herbs around there?

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Dain_Ironfoot_II - - 439 comments

Assemble the developers!

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andytwo - - 59 comments

Good luck guys! Thanks for keeping a great mod alive.

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Guest - - 706,450 comments

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baskakovdima - - 1 comments

Hello! My name is Dima, and I am native Russian. I have made some russian translations of patch notes and other stuff for a russian forum, rusmnb. If you agree, I can hold a new, updated thread of your mod with all the important information. My Steam is dima_baskakov, my Skype is baskakov_dima.

I hope that the new team gives some support to the public community, so it gets actually possible to play the mod without being in a regiment. The public community is more or less dead since around sping 2016. :(

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