Post news RSS INTRODUCING: Counter-Strike Dead Scenes!!!

This is the most ambitious Mod for Counter-Strike, adding more than 14 game modes, new models, textures, new graphic improvements, better A.I and enchanced gameplay. It is also a crossover of the entire CS saga and a tribute to Retro Games and Classics First Person Shooters, so... Try it! You will surely love it!

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Counter-Strike Dead Scenes Counter-Strike Dead Scenes


Sobre El Mod

Counter-Strike Dead Scenes es el mas ambicioso mod para Counter-Strike, pensado para hacer el juego un Survival-Horror en el cual tendras que sobrevivir a oleadas de zombies, aliens, terroristas y demas monstruos, tambien tiene su propio modo campaña que sera a la vez modo zombies (algo asi como Left 4 Dead), un modo Arcade que seria sobreviviendo a los stages mientras la dificultad aumenta y tendra mas de 13 modos de juego disponibles!, ademas es compatible con los plugins AMXX Mod, Metamod, Metahook y tiene soporte para las Detailed Textures, tambien agregue nuevos models, texturas, sonidos, mapas y mejore las graficas para satisfacer mas al jugador, asi que... Pruebalo!, seguro te va a encantar ;)


Bueno... Basandome en las graficas mejoradas, las texturas y los nuevos mapas de este Counter-Strike, aqui les traigo los requisitos minimos para correrlo:

*Procesador a 1.7 GHz

*512 MB de RAM

*Tarjeta gráfica de 1 GB

*Espacio disponible en el disco de 6 GB

*Cualquier Version de Windows (Vista, XP, 7, 8, 10) de 32 y 64 Bits


Estos son los modos de juego confirmados que van a estar disponibles:

*Zombie Mode (Story): va a ser un modo historia pero con zombies, algo así como Left 4 Dead

*Zombie Mode (Alternative): sera un modo zombie pero con diferentes NPC's al de Zombie Story y va a ser cumpliendo objetivos

*Knife Attack: sera un modo de supervivencia pero solo usando el cuchillo

*Time Attack: sera cumpliendo una misión antes de que el tiempo se acabe

*Arena Mode: va a ser un todos contra todos, tanto Aliens como Zombies, Humanos, Hostiles etc...

*Boss Rush Mode: va a ser un modo supervivencia pero solo con los bosses del CS Online y Half-Life

*Alien Mode (Story): va a ser un modo Alien con historia, algo asi como el Zombie Story pero con una trama diferente

*Alien Mode (Alternative): va a ser un modo Alien pero cumpliendo objetivos y con distintos NPC's, algo así como el Zombie Alternative

*Zombie Spin-Off: sera una misión la cual podras elegir si terminarla como final original o como final zombie

*Hostile Mode (Story): sera un modo historia pero contra los Terroristas

*Hostile Mode (Alternative): sera un modo contra los Terroristas pero con diferentes NPC's y objetivos

*Nazi Zombies Mode: este modo sera un hibrido entre los modos Zombie Scenario de CS Nexon Zombies y Nazi Zombies de Call Of Duty

*Mini-Game Mode: sera un minijuego solo accesible a traves de Easter Eggs en los mapas, los minijuegos pueden variar pero el que planeo actualmente sera eliminar todas las ratas antes de que el tiempo se acabe!

*Monthly Missions: ???

Preguntas Frecuentes

*Es Singleplayer?:


*Cuando va a estar listo?:

- Eso no lo se, todabia le hace falta muchos detalles que pulir antes de subirlo!

*Acepta addons personalizados?:

- Si, tanto en AMX Mod X como en Metamod y Metahook

*Que motor grafico usa?:

- GldSource pero con aspecto grafico basado en Source

*Para que juego sera este mod?:

- Ninguno, es un juego aparte

*Necesitas que te ayude en algo?:

-Sip, podrian compartir la pagina y sus publicaciones con sus amigos!


About The Mod

Counter-Strike Dead Scenes is the most ambitious mod for Counter-Strike, designed to make the game a Survival-Horror in which you will have to survive waves of zombies, aliens, terrorists and other monsters, it also has its own campaign mode that will be at the same time zombies mode (something like Left 4 Dead), an Arcade mode that would survive the stages while the difficulty increases and will have more than 13 game modes available! It is also compatible with the AMXX Mod, Metamod, Metahook plugins and it has support for Detailed Textures, also add new models, textures, sounds, maps and improve the graphics to satisfy the player more, so... Try it! You will surely love it ;)


Well... Based on the improved graphics, textures and the new maps of this Counter-Strike, here I bring you the minimum requirements to run it:

*1.7 GHz processor

*512 MB of RAM

*1 GB graphics card

*Available space on the 6 GB disk

*Any Version of Windows (Vista, XP, 7, 8, 10) of 32 and 64 Bit


These are the confirmed game modes that will be available:

*Zombie Mode (Story): it will be a story mode but with zombies, something like Left 4 Dead

*Zombie Mode (Alternative): it will be a zombie mode but with different NPC's to the one from Zombie Story and it will be fulfilling objectives

*Knife Attack: it will be a survival mode but only using the knife

*Time Attack: it will be fulfilling a mission before time runs out

*Arena Mode: it will be an all against all, both Aliens and Zombies, Humans, Hostiles etc...

*Boss Rush Mode: it will be a survival mode but only with the bosses of CS Online and Half-Life

*Alien Mode (Story): it will be an Alien mode with history, something like the Zombie Story but with a different plot

*Alien Mode (Alternative): it will be an Alien mode but fulfilling objectives and with different NPCs, something like the Zombie Alternative

*Zombie Spin-Off: it will be a mission which you can choose whether to end it as the original ending or as the zombie ending

*Hostile Mode (Story): it will be a story mode but against Terrorists

*Hostile Mode (Alternative): it will be a mode against Terrorists but with different NPCs and objectives

*Nazi Zombies Mode: this mode will be a hybrid between the Zombie Scenario modes of CS Nexon Zombies and Nazi Zombies from Call Of Duty

*Mini-Game Mode: it will be a minigame only accessible through Easter Eggs on the maps, the minigames may vary but the one I currently plan will be to eliminate all the rats before time runs out!

*Monthly Missions: ???

Frequent Questions

*Is it Singleplayer?:


*When will it be ready?:

-I don't know, it still needs a lot of details to polish before uploading it!

*Does it accept custom addons?:

-Yes, both in AMX Mod X and in Metamod and Metahook

*What graphics engine do you use?:

-GldSource but with a graphic aspect based on Source

*What game will this mod be for?:

-None, it's a separate game

*Do you need me to help you with something?:

-Yep, could you share the page and the posts with your friends!

*Boss Rush Mode!:

Boss Rush Mode!

*Arena Mode!:

Arena Mode!

*New NPC'S! (Combine Soldiers Test):

New NPC'S! (Combine Soldiers Test)

*AMXX Plugin Support! (GrenadeTrail Test):

AMXX Plugin Support! (GrenadeTrail Test)

*Zombie Mode!:

Zombie Mode!

*New Graphics Improvement!

New Graphics Improvement!

*Alternative Zombie Mode!:

Alternative Zombie Mode!

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MR.47=RPR= - - 66 comments

Looks promising

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doitall - - 478 comments

So excited for this! Been on my list for a while ✌😎

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