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Pendragon, a staff member of Half-Life II Central and I sat down today to a long discussion about our humble mod. We discussed various things about -TSV-, from how we are implementing our gas, to the affect of Officers on the other classes, here's a snippet: Pendragon: So, getting back to the game itself,

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Pendragon, a staff member of Half-Life II Central and I sat down today to a long discussion about our humble mod. We discussed various things about -TSV-, from how we are implementing our gas, to the affect of Officers on the other classes, here's a snippet:

Pendragon: So, getting back to the game itself, can you tell me the basics of your campaign system? How will the battles progress?

Chief Phillips: When a server restarts its map cycle, your team is on the lines where historically, the Commonwealth, French, and Germans were. It is up to the British and French teams to defeat the German defenses, and win the battle, which is a given. When a battle is won in the Commonwealth/French's favor, the map rotation goes to the next historical battle of the Campaign.

What are the Germans supposed to be doing during all of this? Trying to stop the advances, and if possible, launch a counter-offensive against the enemy trenches. It's up to the Germans to hold on, and eventually push the invaders back to their lines, and away from the battle, in which case they will be triumphant. As the battle goes on as well, you can notice weather changes. From the hot and muggy summer, to the wet and muddy fall, and into the snowy frozen winter, when historically, the Commonwealth and French called off the campaign, and abandoned all hopes of success.

You can check out the rest of the article by clicking Here. We've also released 2 Exclusive shots to Half-Life 2 Central, the Maxim 08 and the Maxim 08/15, by Mitlancer! SO be sure to check them out at Our Site.

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