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Interview at Conzar's Radio Blog about Annex. Progress going toward a Beta release.

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Conzar asked me to make for an interview on his web radio blog about Annex, to explain some questions the community may have about my mod. It can be found here:

As for the mod itself, things are in the works for a beta release soon. I wont give an exact date just yet, but if things go smoothly it'll be very soon! Awaiting permission to use certain music. Before a beta would be released i still have to do custom maps at least one 8 player map and one 4 player map. I have three 2 player maps, and one 3 player map so far. Also i still have some tileset work to do. Other than that the East Ocean Alliance is ready to go, need some cleaning, and its beta time.

So this is whats will be in beta:

Menu screen, Faction: East Ocean Alliance, a few custom maps, a completely new - Annex specific tileset "Wastelands", Custom Sound fx, and custom music. (i hope awaiting permission)

Before beta release I'm thinking of doing another Trailer video showing off more game play elements that were and some that were not talked about in interview!

PS ModDB users If your interested in this mod let your voice be heard! Comment, track, let me know!!!
Always interested in comments and insights!

Thanks, Delphadesign

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