Post news RSS Interview w/ RVA Magazine

Jason Rosa & John Anderson recently had the opportunity to sit-down and discuss The Center in great detail with Matt Chaney from local magazine, RVAMAG. Below is segments of the interview and the full article can be found on RVA Mag’s website.

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Jason Rosa & John Anderson recently had the opportunity to sit-down and discuss The Center in great detail with Matt Chaney from local magazine, RVAMAG. Below is segments of the interview and the full article can be found on RVA Mag’s website.

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A huge shout out to Matt Chaney & Amy over at RVA Mag for the interview, the article and featuring us!

“When the guys at local production company Studio Daisho first got into the business of making music and sound effects for video games, they did it because they loved making music, they loved video games, and they liked the idea of working in an interactive platform where the music they produced wasn’t just background noise, but an integral part of a person’s gaming experience.”

The interview with Matt covered various topics from our inspirations for The Center to the music & sound gameplay mechanics we have lined up.


“As part of this ethos, the Studio Daisho guys set out to develop a video game from scratch, featuring their music and sound effects prominently.”

“Without going into too much detail, the characters change as they start to realize their own place in the universe, and the consequences of their actions on others.”

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Again we wanted to thank Matt Chaney from RVA for the interview! To see the full article head over to

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cap3Bruiser modeling
In our next update we will be getting a more detailed look into the BRUISER creature from the demo!

Please help spread The Center to as many people as possible. If you could send The Center across your various social media accounts like Facebook & Twitter we would greatly and humbly appreciate it!

John Anderson
C.T.O of Studio Daisho LLC & The Center
Studio Daisho / The Center

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