Adam: Right Toby, how many weeks have we been doing this now?
Toby: Well, it's been about 18 weeks *large sigh*
Adam: How much sleep have you lost in that time?
Toby: At least 2 or 3 hours a night *nervous laugh*
Adam: Ha, well you have a lot work to show for it! Theres a shed load of assets in just the first level... too the point where it killed the game!
Toby: *more nervous laughing* looking at the asset list, it was huge... We doubled what we intended but it wasn't hard to pass it round the art team.
Adam: We do have a large art team so how are you coping with your troops?
Toby: Well its had its up's and down's encountering problems with some of the guys and having to iron them out. We try hard though, no matter how difficult some us can be.
Adam: The game is looking pretty bad ass now, hopefully we can show the guys on ModDb a lil sumthin' sumthin'. Thanks for your time Toby i'll leave you to sleepless nights and mega grafting!!