Post news RSS Interstate Nitro News Update #3

We've come a long way since our first initial 2 teasers. We've recoded the cars so that in the future we can just add the weapon from a list without needing to recode it every time. The meaning of this news update is to attract more of the community to us and build a fanbase ;) We've

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We've come a long way since our first initial 2 teasers. We've recoded the cars so that in the future we can just add the weapon from a list without needing to recode it every time.

The meaning of this news update is to attract more of the community to us and build a fanbase ;)

News Update #3News Update #3

We've put up some info on our website and also updated the gallery here with some exclusive images of 3 new vehicles that are ingame. The 3 new ones are not armed because we are still working on that while we playtest the handling and optimize the experience in them ;)

News Update #3News Update #3

To speed up the process to get closer to a release, we are seeking a host who can sponsor us with a gameserver. Or if you got a few bucks to spare, donate it to our PayPal so we can rent our own. (Info @ our website)

Goldenbird - - 86 comments

i like insterstate 76 but nitro was a addon from activision...copyright alarm.

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