Post news RSS Internal Alpha Testing

With the majority of the level work done and major bug fixes completed, we're moving forward with internal testing to check for style and atmosphere integrity and effect.

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The team and a select group of testers are going to experience a packaged pre-alpha build focused solely on gameplay performance in certain areas and overall atmospheric effect, in order to figure out if the intended experience is conveyed from developer to end-user.

This weeks’ to-do list:
-Finish streaming levels together seamlessly
-Attach sound cues
-Level transition effect
-Complete more art assets
-Revamp the main menu
-Music recording and in-game placement

While we’re gearing up for internal testing, stay tuned for an upcoming announcement, as we're revealing a new story element that breathed new life into what we already had going on...

Dev screens below showing the new version of the apartment halls, still a work in progress getting that mood we're going for, note there aren't background images yet since we got the bare essentials in and had to heavily focus on bug fixing.

In the meantime, Bryce is getting level assets done to populate the levels (he's got a long list), and Rachel is painting some amazing pieces for promotional art as well as the inventory items. Keep up with us as we near the release of the alpha, don't miss it!

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