Yesterday I finished our full-fledged internal alpha. It has a total of 10 fully functional and armed fighters, bombers, and transports, one map, 14 infantry classes, 6 weapon classes, and many other goodies. We are now on the home-stretch, with very little work remaining. Expect a public beta by summer of 2004, if not earlier.
We lost our main modeler, though, and could use another. Specifically, these are our requests for potential crew members:
1. Infantry modeler (need about 4 more infantry classes)
2. Weapons models/boning (need 4-5 weapons models at least)
3. Mappers - as always, anyone who can map for CNC Renegade is welcome.
4. Vehicle animator - we need someone to help set up the animations for our AT-ST and AT-AT walkers.
Everything is going great. Check out the site for more in-game pictures from the Internal Alpha. Site address is:
If you're interested in joining staff, contact me.
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