Post news RSS INI file settings for BladeIN documentation

Although many of the new settings are changeable from the "Configurator" program, there are a few that are not. This post is to explain both the ones that are, and the ones that are not. These settings only apply to INvasion, as DM and CTF settings are set per map and are not as easily changeable.

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Although many of the new settings are changeable from the "Configurator" program, there are a few that are not. This post is to explain both the ones that are, and the ones that are not. These settings only apply to INvasion, as DM and CTF settings are set per map and are not as easily changeable.

If you are editing the INI file (the default is called SERVER.INI), these settings are found in the section called:


The settings that are available to be changed in the Configurator are on the "IN" tab.

This will set the first wave size for each map. The original LOTD maps usually have this set around 4 or 8. Leaving it at 0 will use the setting in the map.

This will set the Increment for each wave beyond the first. Example, the 10th wave size = (InitialWaveSize + (WaveSizeIncrement * 9)). Setting to 0 will use the map setting.

When a wave reaches this many zombies, that will be considered the "last wave", and the map will end after this wave is completed.

This will set a minimum number of zombies that is to be left in a wave, before the next wave starts. With it set to 0, the normal setting, a wave will only start when all of the zombies for that wave have been killed. If you set it to 5, then when there are 5 zombies left from the current wave, a new wave will begin.

This will set the maximum number of zombies that can possibly be in the game at one time. 0 is to use the original map settings. Although you can set this to -anything-, there are still limitations within the map that cannot be changed, so setting it to 200 on some maps, may not ever reach that number, no matter how long they run. Also, we have run into engine limitations that cause network clients to crash if the number is over a range of 250-300, depending on the map. I recommend if you will be using a seperate computer to run the server than to play on, that you set this no higher than 250, and if you are using the computer that is serving to play on as well, that you set this no higher than 50-100, depending on how much CPU power you have.

Normally, a map will provide a limit to the number of zombies that can be in a level if there are less than 2 players in the game. This will allow you to change that limit. You can use "-1" here to completely ignore this limit. This is the setting that the UndeadGames servers use to get a LOT more zombies than normal.

If InitialInPlayOverride is not set to -1, then this is the number of zombies allowed over InitialInPlay per player. If InitialInPlay is 10, and PerPlayerOverride is 5, and there are 3 players in the game, there will be a limit of 20 zombies in play (10 + (2 * 5)).

For servers that aren't so powerful, you can set this to True, and it will give you a boost in numbers to levels that have very small numbers of zombies, but will keep levels with large numbers to a smaller number. Specifically, it will set InitialWaveSize to between 10 and 20, and WaveSizeIncrement to between 2 and 5. Most people will likely keep this at False.

If you have this set to true, the server will double the WaveSizes if you have EnemyStrength set to 0, or halve the wavesizes if you have EnemyStrength set to 2.

Setting this above 0 will allow players to respawn without waiting for the end of the current wave. 0 is normal behavior, if you want them to be able to respawn nearly infinitely, set this to some high number.

Setting this above 0 will set a maximum amount of time that a player must wait between dying and respawning, if MaxRespawns is greater than 0.

Normally, the game will end a level when all living players have died. With this set to True, the level will not end. It is wise that if you use this, you have MaxRespawns set to a high number, so people don't get stuck and have to reconnect because everyone is dead.

Setting this to True will cause a lot of debug information to be output. You probably don't want to mess with this.

This is a setting supplied by the original game. I've never tested it, but in theory, it would turn off the crosshairs visible to all players, if set to False.

This will allow you to use a different PlayerController than normal. Please do not mess with this, unless specifically instructed by another mod.

This setting is also supplied by the original game, and does not seem to do anything.

This setting is supplied by the original game, and will allow players to use the "throwweapon" console command to drop their current weapon for others to pickup.

This setting is supplied by the original game, and if set True will allow players to use the "behindview 1" command to switch to 3rd person view.

This setting is not used in Invasion.

This setting is also not used.

This setting is apparently ignored, as TimeLimit must be specified in the MapList or in the command line to the server (the Configurator handles this for you)

ZombieKillMessages=%o is done, like dinner... zombie dinner
You can add (or remove) as many of these as you would like. When a zombie kills a player, these messages will be broadcast on the HUD for all to see. "%o" means "the name of the player who was killed".

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