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The Hunger Games: The MMORPG is a multi-player game based from the series of Hunger Games. It will allow access to all districts (1-14), District 14 is a district outside of the arena which contains a population of those who have committed crimes.

First-person or Third-person?
This game will be in third-person

What Can I do in The Hunger Games: The MMORPG?
You can fight in the main arena alongside other tributes, or roam the other 14 Districts to train skills, complete quests or fight. Each District is responsible for a certain skill, for example: District 7 specializes in lumber.

what happens if you die within the arena?
We want players to feel as if they're in danger and that they're risking things. If you are to die within the arena you will lose item(s), with this being said there will be more than one game mode if you would prefer to play without risk.

What platforms will it be available on?
Windows & Mac

Will there be a leveling system?
Yes, all skills are experience based as well as combat. Alongside experience we also have respect, players gain respect from a district by completing quests and training skills in that district.

How far along is the game in development?
At the moment the following are working (to a decent level) in-game:

4+ skills /13+ (Non-combat based)
combat (ranged + melee)
weapon stats
food + drink

+ more

as for the modelling side of things, buildings + props are being modelled/improved everyday..

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