We are happy to announce that the Incursion mod team is joining Firearms: Source. The former Incursion team is a great bunch of guys, dedicated to the Firearms concept and we couldn't ask for better teammates. The new roster includes
- Airwolf - Level Designer, Modeler
- Chucky - Level Designer
- Mr.D - Modeler
- Naota - Level Designer
- Shinobi - Level Designer, Modeler
and contributions by
- Panzur - 500MB sounds
- SiD - weapon models
- Geequed - character and weapon skins
- Reason - weapon skins
The former Incursion team also brings with them a wealth of experience and completed content including player models, maps, weapons, sounds, props and textures. They've been laboring for a long time, creating beautiful work and we're going to roll their content into FA:S immediately.
We also have a new URL: www.Firearms-Source.com so please update your bookmarks.
This is a very exciting time for Firearms: Source and we have a great deal more to announce, including something for which many of you have been waiting patiently...but we're going to save that for later this coming week.