Post news RSS Im releasing a mod in 2011..!

a bit of news regarding my schedule, not much but just something for anyone following our progress

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Sorry, Scintilla will come out somewhere in 2012. At the start of the year I was making such crazy progress that, if I kept at it, we could´ve released by now.. that was the intention. But for the last 4-5 months, I´ve had a hassle with my job, and contract work, and whatever hardware issues and sdk issues and sideprojects, that, yeah.

Mm, but, Im starting to pick up speed again --hence this news post-- and I decided to add some fresh media here to reward any trackers. If someone wants to offer their help on the mod --in anything but sound or level design-- that´d take alot off my personal workload and speed things up. So if you want to expand your portfolio with a pretty badass and a sure project, here we go.

---oh and the mod thats coming out in 2011? Thats Water. Im just working on the last stuffs there.

Now back to uploading media.

KEEP_IT_UP! - - 1,444 comments

cool update ;) all the best for the upcoming "water" release.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote - - 1,090 comments

same ^^

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ghostings - - 1,216 comments

Ohhhh, I have a guess of what it could be, but I'll keep it to myself.

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Elitic - - 209 comments

You're making awesome mods, Mate! :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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