I know I haven't pulled any updates in a while now, and that there are people watching this who are probably (or probably not) waiting for one, so here.
I have got my new PC and since then I've been getting back into modding for the engine. Thing is, I couldn't get the necessary motivation to get serious about starting on Ammo², and to be honest, next to nothing has been done for it. Really.
On the other hand, I've started something new for Max 1, and I know I'll see it finished, and I won't let it die.
What is it? You could say it's an FPS Mod, but I prefer to call it a sort of FPS Mod Engine. Now, I know what you're thinking: "There are thousands of FPS Mods out there!". And you're right, but this is different.
Well, for one thing, it's not just camera placement. I'm editing and remaking a lot of animations to look good from a first person perspective (to avoid seeing the player's head in front of the camera, etc.) and also to fit the FPS style better. I'm making camera animations for things like dying, landing, etc., so this will be the first proper first person shooter mod for Max Payne, at least that I myself have seen. But that's not all. I'm calling it an engine because it will include a "moddable" subfolder where a lot of easy-to-edit files are included for new modders/interested people to tweak, edit, change. Granted, if you're experienced in the Max Payne modding scene you'll have a lot more freedom to do stuff but I'm trying to include as much content as I can. I've done a good amount of work by now and know it can and will be done. I'm hoping to see people make their own FPS Mods using this base, and am also hoping to make a contribution in general.
However, if there are any objections, or you would like me to continue (well, start actually) work on Ammo², please say so, and I'll see what I can do. I'll edit this post once I get your opinion. If there is a positive response to this or if no one says anything/I get little comments (which seems to be the case almost everytime, LOL) I'll, continue what I'm doing now and will put up a mod page for the FPS Engine. If people want me to do Ammo², that's what I'll do.
Waiting for your comments,
EDIT: My prediction has come true and I'm putting up the page for the FPS Mod Engine now...
You'll find the link once it is approved.
EDIT2: The page is up at Moddb.com
Hello, ALT_OhDude!
Your new project sounds very interesting and I always liked FP over TP! I'll be looking forward to it!
On the other hand I must say I loved Ammo so I'd love to see Ammo² developed and released!
Please keep up the excellent work and just use your time they way you see it fit. Myself, I dream of both Ammo² and your new FPS Mod - I am going to use them both once and if they're out!
Hard to say, both are really good projects...
I'm really interested to see the First-Person version of the original max payne, and since another mod for max payne 2 has been recently released called "Payne Evolution", I'd say, do the First-Person one.
Ammo² isn't going anywhere, do what you planned to do and then carry on with Ammo².