I'm live on IndieDB!
Hey there!
I'm Gavin, a hobbyist gamedev, and I'm currently working on the project you're viewing right now. In case you haven't read the summary yet; Checkmate is a cross-over between Civilization V and Chess. This might seem really complicated, but don't worry! There's no need to know how to play chess at any point, and the set of rules have changed up quite a bit aswell from the regular ol' chess games you're used to!
I'm currently in active development, and, although the game doesn't have very many features as of right now, My plan is to add a bunch of stuff within the coming months.
What has already been implemented?
I've got a couple of things ready. The building mechanic is completely in (apart from the fact that you can build for free as of right now). I've also got some basic AI set up, which can pathfind, attack other pawns and perform passive movement (movement which occurs whenever the AI is uninstructed -- It's completely random).
Of course, I've also worked hard on the environment, in order make it look as pretty as possible with my current set of skills. I'm pairing the free software Blender with Game Maker: Studio, in order to get the maximum out of my artistic skills (and believe me; they're not that great).
What's next?
There are bunches of things which need a fix (most of them are minor tweaks), and there a bunches of things which I need to add.
It'll take some time for me in order to add all of these features, but I'll try to update everyone with as much information as possible. As soon as I've got something new; I'll tweet it, and, if it's going to be a big update, you can expect a news post right here.
I'm currently planning on having one big addition every week. During each week, I'll be working on smaller things, fixing some bugs and trying to work on more, better models.
What can YOU do?
If you like what you're seeing here, feel free to let me know! Push the like button when I post something on Twitter you enjoy, add a comment here or even email me personally! I'd love to hear from you, and you have the opportunity to provide me an extra drive by sharing your opinion.
Maybe I'll hear from you soon, and you'll hear from me again, next week!
Have a great day!
- Gavin