Post news RSS I wish we had that much money...

Hey guys, some time has passed between our last real update. At the moment we are mostly doing the stuff which can hardly be shown as a render or ingame shot, such as infantry concepts, voices or the stuff, but work is progressing anyways. What did I want to tell ya? Ah, yes! Today we reached the 500.000

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Hey guys,

some time has passed between our last real update. At the moment we are mostly doing the stuff which can hardly be shown as a render or ingame shot, such as infantry concepts, voices or the [TOP SECRET] stuff, but work is progressing anyways.

What did I want to tell ya? Ah, yes! Today we reached the 500.000 Hits mark, aka as 1/2 a million :D
Thanks guys for visiting us and keep on going, we want that Million Hits ;)

As a little gimmick here's a little screenshot as preview teaser:

User Posted Image


The CWC-Team

[CWC]SHADOW - - 971 comments

Yes, but the "disable" script of the SAGE-Engine only allows a unit to be disabled with "no move and no shoot" (the way we have it), "don't move BUT shoot" is not possible :/

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Sticky - - 1,619 comments

Looks good!

I like that fuel aspect, but tanks and vehicles don't need fuel to shoot. They need it to move, but not shoot.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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