Post news RSS I Am Legion - 1.11

A new version of I Am Legion for Dying Light is out! This version specifically focuses on mod stability and ease of use. Fixed spawn glitches, fixed frozen AI, Fixed possible crash source, Improved AI.

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Version 1.12 is here!
It's been a busy day, both 1.11 and 1.12 were released this weekend


Thank you all for your feedback and support! Comes with an installer/uninstaller for everyone wanting to easily switch between versions or switch to the default game.

Fixed problem with frozen "T" zombie and Human glitches. Fixed crash factors, need continued feedback to let me know if anyone else is getting a crash with the continued information.

Fixed spawn values to smooth out spawns/fix crash errors.

Flashlight dies and recharges with more realistic time than Hard mod standard to add difficulty (makes flares more useful)
Flare realism added for night immersion, 15 minute burn time for standard, 20 for Improved.
UV Flashlight enhanced for night use
DLC weapons re-balanced to make them useful in the game finally
Crafting re-done, higher level blueprints require more items specific to weapon (no longer lvl 18 only requiring 1 metal scrap, 1 battery, etc)
Small crafting items re-done, firecracker more available
Loot added to game - humans now drop firecrackers, molotovs, gernades, etc (more like runners(explains their ability to survive better with mod))
Coop challenges(easy) disabled, no more annoying "Find the loot" challenges when you're trying to survive
Fixed mistake with AI human sight ranges on last update (1.11)
Zombies harder to kill when using melee weapons, makes higher levels feel less casual.
Challenges time extended on challenges that are too difficult to achieve with mod (let me know if I missed one)

To install mods, again make sure all mods prior to 1.11 are erased before installing to ensure crash fix.
Updating from now on will require using control panel to remove mod, thus ensuring all files are cleared to cut down on user error when installing.

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