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A quick update on the progression of the project, as well as things we intend to add in the near future.

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People who don't track us on Twitter will probably have not seen much of the game's evolution over these past few months, since a build with the exciting changes has yet to be released. We are working hard to push it out in time for the Indie of the Year Awards, but in the mean time, I thought I'd share some content we've been working on, to try and whet your appetites. ;)

Evolution of the Art

Our brilliant artist Brian Callahan has been hard at work since we hired him. Things are still pretty early in the grand scheme of things (with the backbone of the engine only nearing completion) and the actual art we use may change greatly between now and the final release, but what he's completed so far has been strikingly beautiful nonetheless.

The Opening Scene:

original design Concept Refined Concept Reworked (close to final)

The Farm Landscape:

Original Design Concept
Refined Concept Final

The Cave Exterior:
Original Initial Rework Rework Refined Rework Final Rework

The Main Menu:

Original Reworked Final

Evolution of the Music

Our talented composer Alex Nelson has been hard at work on music for Incursion since we first contacted him because of his talent and unique style. He has written many pieces specially and adapted others from his previous work, and they are all excellent.


Keep it Classy:



Hero's Song:

Evolution of the Code

I'm not one to blow my own trumpet, and I'd hate to bore people by listing every single thing that currently exists in the code, but here's a short list of some noteworthy evolution behind the scenes;

  • Menu-based dialogue selection for event-tree navigation
  • Event-tree navigation skip-blocking
  • Context based character animation
  • Colour coded UI and player-input elements
  • Randomized loading screen messages
  • Animated main menu
  • Persistent data (yet to actually be used for anything)
  • Numerous and boring bug-fixes, optimizations and code refinements

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to support indie developers everywhere by voting in the Indie of the Year 2011 Awards. Our friends and colleagues working on OverDose, Survivors of Ragnarok and Zombie Grinder would be extremely glad of your votes. :)

You could even vote for us if you like, we'll be your cosmic friends forever. :3 <3

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