A few weeks ago, I posted about how far the engine, and the community, have come in upgrading the experience of FreeSpace 2, and bringing it to a level that was never dreamt of back in '99.
Now, HLP community member Spidey~ has posted a self-made, in-engine trailer, which uses assets from FreeSpace 1, FreeSpace 2 and the MediaVPs to demonstrate once more just how awesome good old space sims can be. Please enjoy.
Wishing you an EPIC new year, this is The E. Until the next time.<
Just wish i have enough time to play it once more with so gorgeous graphics
I'm amazed by this trailer. Really nice work.
I’m completely speechless, totally epic!
Brilliant and Spectacular is the only way I can describe this. Long live FreeSpace!
Been using this for a while, but somehow the trailers always look waaaaay better than what I'm getting. Not just by a margin that is expected from trailers, but seriously way better.
Have the MediaVPs activated in the launcher and it definitely looks better than standard Freespace (the resolution obviously), but nowhere near what you're showing here. i.e. cockpits aren't visible for world models.
Any way...love your work! Loved both Freespace titles and couldn't be happier with this. ;)
cocpits are visibly - propably u dont have switched all featured ON or installed
Finally found my mistake after such a long time. :)
Some kind of folder mix up...
This movie can easily match the Eve Online trailers...awesome work...
Does anyone know what music was used in this trailer?
Freedom Fighters - Two Steps from hell is the song youre looking for.
awesome trailer.how did he get such nice camera angles done?i tried it in fred but i cant reconstruct it.
Thanks for that! I'd spent hours looking through every major film soundtrack I could think of to track it down - two steps from hell didn't hit my radar. The song I wanted was actually Heart of Courage, but it's from the same album. Appreciate the help.