Post news RSS Hotfix v0.51a Now Available

There was a pretty significant performance issue on Map 5. We've made some changes to help improve the resource usage.

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Update: 1/28/2023 - If you downloaded the Hotfix from yesterday, there was an error we missed. It is now fixed in this current update.

(Important note for this release: GZDoom seems to have introduced a bug that causes a crash at startup if you try to start our set from the game menu. As a result, for the “Full Pack”, we're releasing it with the previous version of GZDoom (version 4.7.1). For 4.8 and above, when you launch with your launcher (e.g. ZDL) just tell it to start at map01 and at what skill you wish to play at.

Also, we just learned you can go to Options > Display, and set the Screen Wipe Style from Melt to Burn. The set will load just fine with this change. Otherwise, GZDoom v 4.10.0 seems to run just fine. We'll try to let everyone know when the folks working on GZDoom resolve this bug. Now onto our release notes!

BarefootMapMaker found some performance issues in Map 5. They were substantial enough to warrant an update to the release. We're posting this as a hotfix, because there are no other changes, apart from this performance fix. We hope that this helps some of you out!

Regarding the GZDoom crash issue with 4.9/4.10. We've just been informed that the team has been able to nail down the cause of the issue. The fix will be in the 4.11 release of GZDoom. For the moment, the current workarounds still apply. Going forward this should not be an issue anymore.

Screenshot Doom 20230108 120339Screenshot Doom 20230108 120353Screenshot Doom 20230108 120505

Featured Changes:

Map05 is complete! “Nuclear Station” is undoubtedly, our most ambitious map yet. It was over six months in the making, and is easily twice as large as any of the other maps before it. It has nearly 500 tags, a great many of those specialized actions, many of these happening in interesting combinations. It will be a tough play for the casual Doomer. A full bucket of fun for the hardcore Doom-player!

  • Changes in this edition:
    • Map-Set-Wide Asset Updates:
      • All of the plasma assets have had their plasma shots updated. They look way cooler now. And a lot more realistic.
      • The Rebreather now makes bubbles while you're swimming with it on.
      • Added some new textures.
      • Changed the Intermission song. Keep it Dark by Ross Andrew McLean
      • Added music credits to the intermission screens at the end of each map.
    • Monster Updates:
      • Updated the Supreme Fiend's seeker bombs with new sprites.
    • Map Updates:
      • Map01 – Executive Complex
      • Received a bit of lighting work and a face lift to the executive suites and conference room areas.
      • Changed out one of the security bots out for a drone, in one of the secrets (it was too hard to get the bot to follow you correctly from the area). Also, set its activation on a switch, giving players the choice whether to activate it.
      • Changed the location of the bot in the Brig area. (It's still in the brig, but access to it is more straightforward (requires red key) and players are given the choice whether to activate it.)
      • Map02 – Resources Reclamation
      • Fixed a few textures.
      • Changed how the bot is activated, giving players the choice whether to activate it.
      • Map03 – Skyway
      • Received a major face lift. A lot of detail has been added and a lot of sections improved. Give it a play and see for yourself. :)
      • Map05 – Nuclear Station
      • Fixed texture alignment issues.
      • Changed the map's track to “Surrounded” by Hayden Folker
      • Optimizations to improve performance. (v0.51a)

See the tutorial for instructions on how to get up and running.

Lock and Load!

BarefootMapMaker & DarynS

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