Post news RSS Hotel Printemps - The path to the first release

In this post I'll briefly explain which things have been lately worked on and how will the first level of Sewer Tea look like.

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Hi there,

After X months of "pause" since there was some stuff I had to deal with (including but not limited to saying goodbye to my ps3, street fighting, rethinking the whole code...), I've decided to keep working on it but in a different way.

The first playable release will be concerning Hotel Printemps, the first building the main character finds after he lands on Milenarian ground. The Hotel Printemps has been partially destroyed due to the bombs that fell on the city earlier. Inside the same, there are 3 bosses and a s***load of different enemies that will do their best to release your inwards out. To remind you of some of these:

- Glower.
- Egger.
- Sewer flies.
- Different bots.
- Secreter.
- Glizda.
- Casual guy.
- Hoarner. (new!)
- Soldier. (new!)
- Crocophant. (new!)

Your mission is to get the three keys and find your way into the basement to reach the sewers.

At the beginning of the game you'll be able to select your build type, which will determine the amount of initial hitpoints, speed, and some other stuff. Also the weapon level up system is already in place. The more you do damage with a weapon, the more you level up that weapon. Every time a weapon levels up its attributes get better (more cadence, more damage, etc...).

As you can see in the screenshot below, when you start a new game the layout of the hotel will be different. Also the sewer entrance is located in a different room every time you play. Sometimes you'll find it quite soon and maybe the next time you play it will be in one of the late rooms.

Random room layout

That's all for today. Hope to update any time soon. Remember to tell your friends how awesome or crappy this is starting to look like.

demo book Ofveles
The Book of Veles, one of the possible boss encounters in Hotel Printemps

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