Post news RSS Hostile Intent Beta-testing galore

Well the beginnings of a new testing group has started for Hostile Intent. There was a poll on who the team wanted. Those selected had the highest votes when compiled. We have selected 22 people as of now and hope to add 11 more for a European testing team. So keep those applications coming. If you

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Well the beginnings of a new testing group has started for Hostile Intent.

There was a poll on who the team wanted. Those selected had the highest votes when compiled. We have selected 22 people as of now and hope to add 11 more for a European testing team. So keep those applications coming. If you where not selected, do not sweat it. You have a chance to still become a tester.

We will be using a two week review process for each tester. These reviews will be done by the Test Captains and the Team.

I have added some new legal documents for our new version which is a test of our installer as well. These documents are to clear up some common misunderstands on work done by testers.

These documents are also for community submissions as well and will be sent to anyone wishing to submit anything to Hostile Intent.

In The Works

Charles, our team leader, is looking for anyone with experience porting 'Half-Life modifications to Linux' to please contact him. This would be very helpful for us with our dedicated server offers from various people.

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