Post news RSS HLC is dropping support for Xash3D

Hello everyone! I have news for Half-Life Classic's support for Xash3D engine.

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Hi guys! Today I would like to announce that we are dropping support of:

xash logo 1024x768


Yes. I am dropping support for Xash3D for Half-Life Classic.

You may ask: why are you dropping the support?

Because the Xash engine is always being updated.

So, from 15th August 2018, no more Xash3D builds of Half-Life Classic will be released. We will be going back to developing for the Steam version.

Also, from today, Mac and Linux support is being dropped, because:


Anyway, we will be releasing builds of Half-Life Classic for Xash3D on Android, and Windows on August 15th, 2018. Then, no more HLC updates for Xash3D.

Thanks for reading!


Qwertyus - - 2,594 comments

Current Xash3D version is close to the final. Probably the last official version of Xash3D will be released in this year's ending. And then there will be only rare bug-fixes. By the way, Steam HL is also updating from time to time. And some of their updates are real pain in ***. Also, in the end of this year Steam discontinues support of Windows XP. So some people will not be able to play Steam HL at all.

Meanwhile, FWGS version of Xash3D opens a possibility to release your mods on most of existing OS. Windows, Linux, Android, IOS... It's easy enough for good programmers to port their code to another platform. And it will be a future of Xash3D's developing.

Finally, Xash3D supports most of Half-Life mods, except those which are tightly coupled with Steam HL interface and use modern versions of MSVS for compilation. So if you are not going to prevent your mod from running on Xash3D deliberately, then probably it will be playable with Xash3D anyways. Because the main idea of Xash3D is a maximal support of existing Half-Life mods (any, but especially, the worthy ones).

So good luck with making a worthy mod!

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hiphopparappa Author
hiphopparappa - - 107 comments

Maybe when Xash3D 1.0 releases then I may bring back Xash support.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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