After nine months of difficult progress on the final version of HL2 Capture the Flag since our last update in the Summer of 2006 we have focused our efforts on the positive aspects of beta 1.7 for tournament gameplay.
The first ever Official HL2:CTF tournament has launched at My Gaming and will run through May 2007. The beta 1.71 code base has been used for this tournament with great success and has led us to provide this release to the public in the coming weeks.
For those wondering about beta 1.8, the complete re-write of the beta 1.7 code as well as rebuilding the game assets from scratch is still under way. It is our decision to release the next full version as HL2:CTF 2.0 Gold. Fans of the mod may look forward to the Gold release in the coming months. Most of the code, new games modes and features are currently completed but the assets (models, maps, textures) are only around 25% complete.
In the meanwhile we are pushing to bridge the gap with the beta 1.71 Tournament release which should be made available before the end of March 2007.
As always, check and our forums for the latest!