Hi all,
HL2-Hosting.net is now open. HL2-Hosting.net is a small company dedicated to the hosting of half-life 1, half-life 2, counterstrike:source mods, files and clans. Here's a list of features we offer mods hosted by us:
- 2GB Webspace
- No Advertisements
- Subdomain ( eg. yourmod.hl2-hosting.net ) or your own domain you already own.
- PHP v4.4.1 & PHP v5.1.1
- Unlimited MySQL databases
- MySQL v4 & v5
- Unlimited FTP accounts
- Unlimited POP3 Mailboxes
- Unlimited E-Mail Forwarders
- 99.99% Uptime
- Mods can have their own forum
- And so much more,...
We also offer mirrors for mod files, they are still being uploaded. People that want to support us can offer a mirror too and in return we'll place a little banner on our homepage.
All this is for free ofcourse.
We are also looking for people interested in working for us. You can check out our "Jobs" page for available jobs.
So head over to HL2-Hosting.net and sign up ;) .